

I was annoyed yesterday!! My annoyance started from a class finished. I enjoyed talking with my friends and laughed during the class. After a class finished, we walked together to school gate and we said that good-bye. Then I walked to bus stop but I had a lot of time so I decided to walk to the next bus stop. I had a part-time job so I wanted to go home early. I waited about for twenty minutes but the bus did not come!! A few minutes later, the bus came. I was annoyed. Then I changed a bus and lined a row. There were a lot of people so if I do not line, I can not take a bus!! A bus came and when I took the bus, a woman wedged!! I was angry at her. Then I went to part-time job. I was annoyed all the time. My annoyance continued in my house. When I went home, my mother did her work and was busy so she could not housework. I had a part-time job and wanted to do my homework but my sisters did housework nothing!! I was angry at my sisters!! They did not help me!! They just watched TV or sleep. I did all housework. I am not annoy at these things which happened like today usually but many bad things conspires so I thought I was annoyed today!!

Book Review

I read “The Princess and the Pea” next.
There was a prince in the old days and he wanted to marry a princess. So he met many princesses but there was no one who the prince admitted that a real princess. One day it was heavy rain. A princess came. The princess sopping but she said to the king and queen that she was a real princess. So the queen decided to test her. The queen made her bed and put a pea under the mattress. Then she put twenty mattresses and down covers on the pea. The princess went to bed and the king, queen and prince asked her that how did she sleep and she answered that she did not sleep because there was a big lump in her bed. Then they smiled and said that she must be a real princess because only a real princess could feel a pea under twenty mattresses!! Then the prince married princess!!

Book Review**

I read “The Three Little Pigs” this time.
I have read this story in Japanese and may be many students have read this, too. This story is famous in Japan!!
There were three little pigs named Pinky, Percy, Poppy and their mother. They lived a little house but they could not live in the house together because they grew too big so the house could not hold them. Then they decided to build their own house. Pinky bought some straw and built his house. Percy bought some sticks and built his house. Poppy bought some bricks and built her house, too!! One day a bad wolf came to Pinky’s house and said to Pinky that let him come in but Pinky did not come him in. So the wolf blew off Pinky’s house then Pinky ran away and took to Percy’s house. The wolf chased him and said same things. But Percy did not enter him!! So the wolf blew off Percy’s house. Then Pinky and Percy ran away and took to Poppy’s house. A wolf chased them again and said same thing to Poppy. But Poppy didn’t. So a wolf blew off her house but her house was strong so he could not blow off. Then the wolf had an idea, climbed roof and slid down the chimney. But he fell into a hot water which Poppy boiled and three pigs lid slammed on the lid!!


Book Review**

I read “The Emperor’s New Clothes” today.Long time ago there was an emperor and he liked clothes. The royal procession was held on two weeks’ time. The emperor introduced his clothes to people every time. But one day there were nothing to wear eventually. He was in trouble so he ordered his servant to find new clothes. The servant looked for new clothes but there were no incredible outfit. When he looked for, two men came to him and they said to him that they were the finest clothes-maker and took them to the emperor. When they met the emperor, they said to him that they make magical clothes which can only be seen by clever people. The emperor thought these clothes were wonderful!! And he asked them to make. As soon as they went out the palace, they started to laugh because they could trick the emperor!! Next day they pretended to make his clothes and forbid them to enter their room. Few days later they finished making clothes. When the emperor, servant and footmen entered, they were surprised because there was nothing. But two men pretended to have the emperor’s clothes because they made clothes which can only be seen by clever people!! They undressed the emperor’s clothes to wear new clothes. When the royal procession started, people were surprised because the emperor naked!! But the emperor intended to wear magical clothes. When a boy shouted that the emperor naked, he was ashamed suddenly. Surely he wore nothing!! But he must continue the royal procession!!

Book Review**

I read “CORDUROY’S Garden” this time.
This is a corduroy bear’s story and I will introduce this story easily.
Lisa who is corduroy bear’s owner planted seeds of beans. Then she had to go school so she asked corduroy to watch the garden and she put him on the chair by the window. He had been watching since she gone. He repeated yawn and finally he fall asleep. While he was sleeping, a puppy entered his garden and began to dig. Corduroy woke up and was surprised because a puppy buried his bone. Corduroy went to Lisa’s room and found seeds and then he planted new seeds hastily. After that, he sat on the chair again and one day a puppy came again and a puppy pushed corduroy to the next house. The man of next house picked corduroy up and took him his house. Lisa went home and watched plants. Lisa surprised because she planted beans but instead green peppers grew!! But Lisa likes it!!


Bad day

I have my favorite TV drama now. The name is “Liar game”!! It is broadcasted on Tuesday so I was going to watch it this week but I had a part-time job so I recorded it. When I went home, the drama already started but I took a bath because I record it. Before I went to bed, I watched it so I played it back but the drama did not record!! I was surprised and disappeared!! There was no time to record on my DVD!! I really looked forward to watch it. I thought I have to confirm the time of rest from next time!!

Book Review**

I read “The RUNWAY PANCAKE” this time.
I think everyone may have read this story because when I was a little, I had read this story and it is famous story!!
There were seven people and they were family. They were hungry so their mother decided to cook pancakes for them. When she tossed a pancake to turn over it, the pancake runaway suddenly!! The pancake did not want everyone to eat him!! So the family chased it. Then the pancake passed a dog, a rabbit, a duck, a cat, a goat and a fox. All of them thought the pancake must be delicious if they eat the pancake so they chased the pancake to eat. Finally the pancake met a pig. He wanted to eat the pancake, too but he did not say that thing. When the pancake jumped to approach the pig, the pig caught the pancake and he ate the pancake!! All of them who chased the pancake were disappeared and angry at the pig. They wanted to eat the pancake!!
Please read this book once time!!


Essay 2-2b

Have you ever watched Ugly Betty? I watched two Ugly Betty’s web sites.
Ugly Betty is American comedy drama and I got into this drama one year ago. There is season 1, 2, 3 and 4 in this drama now and season 2 and 3 are broadcasted in Japan. This drama is very interesting but sometimes I am impressed by this story. So I chose this web site because I want everyone to watch this drama!! First I will introduce about this web site
This is American Ugly Betty’s site and there are many items in this web site so I will write about these items.
And next I will introduce about
I will write about Ugly Betty’s actress and actor.

Betty is a main character and works at fashion magazine company and a secretary of her boss. Betty is not fashionable and beautiful so her company’s people make a fool of her but she does not oblivious!! She always helps her boss. Things about family, friend and Betty’s love are described in this drama. I like all of actor and actress. Especially I like Amanda. She is a frond desk clerk of company. She looks beautiful, fashionable and teases Betty but really considerate people!! There is a person named Marc. Marc is interesting person but kind!! Amanda and marc tease Betty but I think they like Betty really. I like three people. When I watched this drama first, I was very interested in Betty because she always do her best regardless her colleague always mock her looks and many cute and cool clothes appear so I can enjoy watching them every time. As I found Ugly Betty’s web site, I am happy because I can watch their photos, blog and previews!!

The first I watched
We can see Ugly Betty’s photos, co-star’s blog and previews!! There are many items in this website. For example, “plus none”, “Marc’s advice” and “Betty’s evolution” and so on!! I think we can enjoy this web site by watching these items.

When we click “Plus None”, we can watch photos. Betty and co-stars’ picture are appeared in this page and many famous American actress or actor enters Ugly Betty as guest so we may be able to watch their photos. When I watched this page, my favorite American actress’ picture was appeared!! But photos are often changed from old them to new photos!! And in the “Betty’s evolution”, we will watch only Betty’s photos.

Co-stars write sentences by themselves. For example, “Marc’s advice”. In this page, Marc writes about many things which he thought his daily life. For instance, about his boyfriend, fashion and so on!! So we are able to read Marc’s opinion about them. And his picture appears top of the page. Amanda writes her blog with her pictures in “Amanda’s blog”. She writes about her daily life.

As we click “Betty Daily Disaster”, we are able to watch photos but these photos are only Betty!! Moreover these photos are only Betty’s fashion. In story, Betty always wears individual clothes. We can watch change of Betty’s fashion and if we want to imitate her fashion, this page will become reference for us.

The next web site is
There are many explanations about “Ugly Betty”. In this web site, Ugly Betty’s actress or actor’s privacy, career and works they appeared before are written!!

When we click “Cast”, we will watch about them and their photos are appeared and their career, works are written in detailed. And the story of season 1, 2, 3 and 4 are summarized. So if you did not watch these seasons, you can know about story by watching these summaries. And their private is written, too.

I think we can know sufficiently about Ugly Betty by watching two websites. In first web site, we can watch their photos, next previews and their blog and in next website, we can know about actress and actor’s private and their career. I think when we watch two website, we will want to watch Ugly Betty!!


Book Review**

I read “THE BULLY” this time.
There were two main characters in this story. I will introduce them!!
First is Martin. He was a bad kid because he teased his classmates, rude and had a bad temper. So many people were scared him.
Next is Josh. He is Martin’s classmate and he was also scared Martin.
Martin changed Josh’s school. But he bullied his classmates so everyone were scared Martin. Josh was scared, too. One day Martin came to stay with Josh’s house. Josh was surprised. Josh and Martin’s mother was friend so Josh’s mother accepted Martin’s stay. In the morning Martin came. He was a good boy only in front of Josh’s mother. When she disappeared, Martin started to bully Josh. Josh always suffered about Martin. So he consulted with his mother. And she talked him that Martin did not have his father and he repeated transfer so he did not have his friend. Josh decided that he will make friend with Martin. They often played together and Martin stopped bullying Josh. Then Martin made friend with his classmates!!

Speaking homework!!!

My hobby is watching DVDs, TV and movies. I often watch DVDs and now I got into “Ugly Betty”. This is American comedy drama. This is very interesting drama but I sometimes impressed by this story. This drama describe about job, family, friends and love!! I want everyone to watch this drama.
And I interviewed Ayaka about her hobby. Her hobby is shopping. She goes shopping three times a month and goes to PARCO, New-s and UNIQULO. She goes shopping with her mother or friends but she does not have her favorite store.


Book Review**

Mr. Brown runs book store. Everyone call the store Black Cat Book store and this store sells only ghost books!! Mr. Brown has a cat and cat’s name is Cobweb. She eats only cheese and likes to play with mice!! They live above the store and eat cheese every morning. Mr. Brown thought valentine day is coming so he decided to have a sale and made valentine day sale sign. A lot of people saw the sign and came into his book store. His book store crowded with people!! Mr. Brown was very busy. So he made help wanted sign. Next day a woman came. She saw the sign and Mr. Brown decided that he will employ her. Her name is Button. They were compatible!! Then Mr. Brown sold books, Button did decoration because tomorrow is valentine day. Valentine day came. Mr. Brown thought he will invite Button to dinner but he did not have courage so he threw the invitation card. Miss Button thought same thing but she did not have courage and threw the card, too. Cobweb saw them and had a good idea!! She asked mice to cooperate her. They dropped Mr. Brown and Button’s invitation card in front of them. They picked it up each other. They smiled, when they read the card and they spent a valentine day together!!

Book Review**

I read “A Day in London” today. Gran is Kipper, Biff and Chip’s grandmother and they love her very much because she is really fun!! She came to stay!! She gave them and their parents presents. They were very pleased. Next day Gran took Kipper, Biff, Chip, Nadim and Anneena to London. Nadim and Anneena are Kipper’s friends. But their mother worried because Gran is a careless person so mother asked children to look after Gran. They went to London by Gran’s car and then they got on the tube. They went to Trafalgar Square first. There was a statue of Nelson. Moreover there were a lot of pigeons. Nadim was pecked by pigeons because he had some nuts!! And Kipper was dropped pigeon’s dropping!! Next they went to Buckingham Palace. Then Gran took them on a boat. Suddenly the bridge started to open so children were very excited!! They got off the boat and went to wax works. There were a lot of wax models of famous people. They watched wax models of Queen Victoria, her grandchildren and so on!! When children watched old-time street scene of London, Gran watched the Royal family’s wax models by herself. Gran dropped her handbag and then some money rolled. SO she bent to pick up her money. But she struck the wax model and they started to fall down!! What is worse wax model’s neck came off. Children were surprised and they returned model’s neck hastily. But a lady ran to them and was angry at Gran. Then they went home. Children thanked for Gran because they could spend funny day!!

My old and new bicycle!!

Today was clean day of my town and we could throw bulky refuses. So I threw my old white bicycle. My father bought me the old white bicycle five years ago. I remember that I had my blue bicycle which I had rid from junior high school to first grade of high school stolen so I and my father went to bicycle store to buy new one hastily!! I always used it, when I go play with my friends. But the white bicycle often broke and a year ago I could not pedal because my bicycle’s gear broke!! And my mother bought me new red one on my birth day. So I decided to throw my old bicycle. I am a little sad because I rid this bicycle about for five years and my father bought me. So I took a picture and want to say “Thank you until now!!” to my old white bicycle!!


Essay 2-2a

I watched two Ugly Betty’s web site.
http://abc.go.com/shows/ugly-betty .
Ugly Betty is American comedy drama and I got into this drama one year ago. There is season 1, 2, 3 in this drama and season 2 and 3 are broadcasted in Japan. This drama is very interesting but sometimes I was impressed by this story. So I chose this web site because I want everyone to watch this drama!!

Have you ever watched Ugly Betty? Betty is a main character and she works at fashion magazine company and a secretary of her boss!! Betty is not fashionable and beautiful so her company’s people make a fool of her but she does not oblivious!! She always helps her boss. Things about family, friend and Betty’s love are described in this drama.

First I watched http://abc.go.com/shows/ugly-betty.
We can watch Ugly Betty’s photos, co-star’s blog and preview!! I like all of actor and actress. Especially I like Amanda. She is a front desk clerk of company. She is beautiful and fashionable in this drama!! And in this web site, I can watch her blog!! She wrote her dairy life. It is difficult for me to read and understand her diary because it is written in English but I managed to read it. And there are many photos. Many famous American actor and actress enter this drama as guest so they came out these photos, too!! We can watch previews, too in this web site.

Next I watched http://www3.nhk.or.jp/kaigai/uglybetty2/index.html.
This web site is Ugly Betty’s official web site in Japan. Season 2 and 3 are broadcasted in Japan on Wednesday and Saturday at midnight. I watch season 2 every week. And we can rent DVDs in rental shop. Broadcasting schedule is inserted at web site and we can watch previews!! There are explanations about Ugly Betty’s actor and actress. I watched my favorite actress’s explanations. Main 4people’s explanations are written in detail but other people are not written only their name so I was a little disappointed.

These web sites are designed cute!! I want everyone to watch two web sites and rent DVDs or watch Ugly Betty on TV!! I think everyone will like this American comedy drama. This drama touches about family, friends and love so we may be impressed by story not only funny. So please watch this drama one time!!

Essay 2-2a: Quick Post

I watched Ugly Betty’s web site.
Its URL is http://abc.go.com/shows/ugly-betty
We can watch Ugly Betty’s photos, co-star’s blog and preview in this web site.
Next is http://www3.nhk.or.jp/kaigai/uglybetty2/index.html
This web site is Ugly Betty’s official web site in Japan.
I enjoyed watching these web site and could be interested in Ugly Betty than before!!

Book Review**

I read “Stories of GHOSTS” this time.
~Chapter1. The story of Shiverham Hall~
Shiverham hotel is unusual because only dead person can stay this hotel!! Of course employees are ghost!! There are many strange things I can not believe in this hotel. For example twenty-two ice-cold bed rooms. But one day a man came. The man is alive. Then he took out a paper and spread out. His plan that pulls down this hotel and built new hotel was written in this paper. Mr. Quiver, the hotel manager was surprised and gathered his employees. They thought plans to defend their hotel. A man stayed in this hotel that night so Mr. Quiver and his employees started their plans at night. They surprised the man but he did not scare at all!! On the other hand, a man was thinking that he will employ them. When they gave up, a ghost woman spoke to a man. She was an aunt of him!! He was surprised and the ghost woman kissed him. Then he ran away!!
~Chapter2. School for spooks~
Tammy Tremble was a student of a school for spooks. But she could not float frogs, scare other students and walk through walls. So she could not go haunting field trip and had to study. When she walked, a cat tumbled torches. So the school was on fire!! She wanted to call but the door locked!! She had to go through the door. When she opened her eyes, she was in the opposite side of door!! Then she asked a man to lend her his truck but he did not lent. So she scared him and he ran away left his truck!! There were sand in the truck and she lifted the truck into air with her magic power. She flipped it over. Within second the fire was out!!
~Chapter3. The tale of the haunted TV~
Glen Goggle was watching TV but suddenly the screen changed black!! His TV broke so his father called repairman and he took Glen’s TV to repair. Instead of the broke TV, repairman put another TV. Glen thought this TV is very old!! Glen turned in, a strange man appeared. He started to sing. His song was very poor but this made Glen funny. He danced and did magic but these did not succeeded!! But these were interesting for Glen. One day he watched the strange man’s show and when he changed channel, the strange man came through the TV!! And then they went to TV studio to watch show. They watched together but suddenly the strange man went to stage and showed his dance, song and magic!! His show made audience funny so he won first prize. The man gave Glen the prize money to buy a new TV!!

With my mother!!

I went to Kumamoto downtown with my mother two days ago. I often go shopping with her. We always Clair, youme town and other shopping mall together but we seldom go downtown together because downtown is far from my house. So we went there for the first time on a long time. First we went to PLAZA to buy my new pocket diary. There were many cute things so I could not select one. Finally I selected PEZ’s diary. It looks cute and easy to write my schedule. As soon as I went home, I wrote down my friends, family’s birth day and my schedule!! We watched many clothes. There were many clothes I wanted. I decided that I will buy many clothes, when I go shopping to downtown next!! Then we went to TSURUYA. My mother wanted to go there and Ishikawa exhibition was held. We bought crab and sashimi lunch pack. She bought Japanese-style confectionery, too. We went home and then went to my grandmother’s house to give her a sashimi lunch pack. We ate together and crab lunch pack was very delicious!! I want to go downtown with her again!!


My friends!!!!

I played with my friends Mina, Hanae, Kanae, Shouko, Hiromi and Erina this week Thurs day. We have not ever played until today so I was looking forward to play with them!! We went to Karaoke first. They sang very well!! And we were in there for four hours!! But I was very fun. Next we went to dinner. We ate Yakiniku!! I love it very much. We ate a lot of meat and foods. After a while suddenly light went off and clerk carried birth day cake!! I was surprised!! Kanae, Hanae and shouko celebrated our birth day. I was very happy and Kanae made this birth day cake!! It was very delicious!! I thought I am happy because I have friends who celebrate my birth day!! I love my friends!!

I met.....!!

I met Mr. Minor this week Tuesday. When I and my friend Mina walked, suddenly she cried. I was surprised and I saw forward then. There was Minor!! He taught us speaking class before. I did not notice him at all. And I was pleased because I thought I will never meet him!! He invited us to Halloween party!! I wanted to go the party but I had a part-time job. We talked for a while. Then we said “Bye!!” I enjoyed talking with Mina and Minor!!

Book Review**

I read “Stories of Snowmen” this time.
~Chapter1. Chilly and the bonfire~
Jack woke up and pulled back his room curtains. Snow covered the ground!! So he went out and made a cute snowman. He named the snowman Chilly. When he was watching Chilly, he noticed his neighbor built a sign about Christmas party so Jack asked him whether he can join the party. Neighbor asked Jack to build a bonfire instead. They built it together but next day the bonfire vanished and neighbor thought Jack did it!! So he banned Jack from come the party. That night Jack heard a noise and went out. He could not believe because Chilly moved!! Chilly carried the bonfire because bonfire may melt Chilly. Then Jack moved the logs to the middle of the field. Next day neighbor was surprised because very big bonfire built!! Neighbor praised Jack and they enjoyed the Christmas party together!!
~Chapter2. Snowy and Icy~
Tomorrow was judging day of the Best snowmen contest. So many children made own snowman. Emma made her snowman and named Snowy. His looks were bad because of his battered felt hat, tiny stones for his eyes and mouth, woolly scarf and broken walking stick. On the other hand Daphne made her snowman, too. Her snowman looks very good!! His name is Icy. Icy was wearing shiny hat and silk scarf. When Daphne watched Snowy, she made a fool of him. At night snowmen came to life. And Snowy started to find his items to looks better. Icy followed Snowy. When Icy followed him, many disasters happened for Icy and his looks bad gradually. They went home and next day Snowy won first prize!!
~Chapter3. Freezy’s new buttons~
Freezy sighed because every snowman had shiny buttons but he did not have such ones. That afternoon two men came and they were finding a place to hide their jewels which they stole. They took three jewels and stuck Freezy’s chest. They ran away. Freezy was happy and prided his buttons. When freezy went home, a paper blew around his feet. Freezy was surprised because there were two men who stuck jewels his chest!!! And he noticed his buttons were stolen jewels!! Then two men came to Freezy but he ran away. Freezy ran to hillside and had a good idea. When they took there jewels, slide happened and they could not move!! Freezy called police. Next day Freezy praised police!!