
With my mother!!

I went to Kumamoto downtown with my mother two days ago. I often go shopping with her. We always Clair, youme town and other shopping mall together but we seldom go downtown together because downtown is far from my house. So we went there for the first time on a long time. First we went to PLAZA to buy my new pocket diary. There were many cute things so I could not select one. Finally I selected PEZ’s diary. It looks cute and easy to write my schedule. As soon as I went home, I wrote down my friends, family’s birth day and my schedule!! We watched many clothes. There were many clothes I wanted. I decided that I will buy many clothes, when I go shopping to downtown next!! Then we went to TSURUYA. My mother wanted to go there and Ishikawa exhibition was held. We bought crab and sashimi lunch pack. She bought Japanese-style confectionery, too. We went home and then went to my grandmother’s house to give her a sashimi lunch pack. We ate together and crab lunch pack was very delicious!! I want to go downtown with her again!!

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