

I was annoyed yesterday!! My annoyance started from a class finished. I enjoyed talking with my friends and laughed during the class. After a class finished, we walked together to school gate and we said that good-bye. Then I walked to bus stop but I had a lot of time so I decided to walk to the next bus stop. I had a part-time job so I wanted to go home early. I waited about for twenty minutes but the bus did not come!! A few minutes later, the bus came. I was annoyed. Then I changed a bus and lined a row. There were a lot of people so if I do not line, I can not take a bus!! A bus came and when I took the bus, a woman wedged!! I was angry at her. Then I went to part-time job. I was annoyed all the time. My annoyance continued in my house. When I went home, my mother did her work and was busy so she could not housework. I had a part-time job and wanted to do my homework but my sisters did housework nothing!! I was angry at my sisters!! They did not help me!! They just watched TV or sleep. I did all housework. I am not annoy at these things which happened like today usually but many bad things conspires so I thought I was annoyed today!!

4 件のコメント:

Maiko さんのコメント...

I understand your feelings, because I always was relied on by my family.



masumi さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment Maiko!!
I was said by my mother that "You are too annoy!! So you have to be calm!!"(>_<。)

mangi madang さんのコメント...

Hello Masumi.

Sorry about the unlucky day.
There are lucky and unlucky. Next you will have a lucky.


masumi さんのコメント...

Thank you for your comment, Toshi!!
I hope that lucky day come someday!!