
Book Review**

I read “THE BULLY” this time.
There were two main characters in this story. I will introduce them!!
First is Martin. He was a bad kid because he teased his classmates, rude and had a bad temper. So many people were scared him.
Next is Josh. He is Martin’s classmate and he was also scared Martin.
Martin changed Josh’s school. But he bullied his classmates so everyone were scared Martin. Josh was scared, too. One day Martin came to stay with Josh’s house. Josh was surprised. Josh and Martin’s mother was friend so Josh’s mother accepted Martin’s stay. In the morning Martin came. He was a good boy only in front of Josh’s mother. When she disappeared, Martin started to bully Josh. Josh always suffered about Martin. So he consulted with his mother. And she talked him that Martin did not have his father and he repeated transfer so he did not have his friend. Josh decided that he will make friend with Martin. They often played together and Martin stopped bullying Josh. Then Martin made friend with his classmates!!

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