
Book Review**

Mr. Brown runs book store. Everyone call the store Black Cat Book store and this store sells only ghost books!! Mr. Brown has a cat and cat’s name is Cobweb. She eats only cheese and likes to play with mice!! They live above the store and eat cheese every morning. Mr. Brown thought valentine day is coming so he decided to have a sale and made valentine day sale sign. A lot of people saw the sign and came into his book store. His book store crowded with people!! Mr. Brown was very busy. So he made help wanted sign. Next day a woman came. She saw the sign and Mr. Brown decided that he will employ her. Her name is Button. They were compatible!! Then Mr. Brown sold books, Button did decoration because tomorrow is valentine day. Valentine day came. Mr. Brown thought he will invite Button to dinner but he did not have courage so he threw the invitation card. Miss Button thought same thing but she did not have courage and threw the card, too. Cobweb saw them and had a good idea!! She asked mice to cooperate her. They dropped Mr. Brown and Button’s invitation card in front of them. They picked it up each other. They smiled, when they read the card and they spent a valentine day together!!

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