
Book Review**

I read “A Day in London” today. Gran is Kipper, Biff and Chip’s grandmother and they love her very much because she is really fun!! She came to stay!! She gave them and their parents presents. They were very pleased. Next day Gran took Kipper, Biff, Chip, Nadim and Anneena to London. Nadim and Anneena are Kipper’s friends. But their mother worried because Gran is a careless person so mother asked children to look after Gran. They went to London by Gran’s car and then they got on the tube. They went to Trafalgar Square first. There was a statue of Nelson. Moreover there were a lot of pigeons. Nadim was pecked by pigeons because he had some nuts!! And Kipper was dropped pigeon’s dropping!! Next they went to Buckingham Palace. Then Gran took them on a boat. Suddenly the bridge started to open so children were very excited!! They got off the boat and went to wax works. There were a lot of wax models of famous people. They watched wax models of Queen Victoria, her grandchildren and so on!! When children watched old-time street scene of London, Gran watched the Royal family’s wax models by herself. Gran dropped her handbag and then some money rolled. SO she bent to pick up her money. But she struck the wax model and they started to fall down!! What is worse wax model’s neck came off. Children were surprised and they returned model’s neck hastily. But a lady ran to them and was angry at Gran. Then they went home. Children thanked for Gran because they could spend funny day!!

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